Seven Ways to Put Your Business Online And The One Guaranteed Way to Do It at No Cost

Ever since businesses realized that the Internet the ultimate resource to reach more people in less time for less than most other marketing mediums, business owners have been asking how can I get my business online and thus in the global marketplace. This question was answered with many solutions to include “my but son took a web class in school, he can do it”. Well let’s look at the seven different ways to put your business online and the pros and cons of each.

Do It Yourself

The first way would be the obvious, to do it yourself. If you have technical knowledge and time on your hands then this is a great way to put up a site that suite your business.


• Save money by not paying someone else to do it for you
• Maintain full control of your site
• Sense of pride in what you have accomplished


• Many business owners lack the technical knowledge to effectively develop all the necessary components of their web site.
• Many business owners lack the knowledge of how to write effective web copy that encourage sales as well as will be optimized for search engine. They are not versed in layout designs that increase accessibility and functionality.
• They do not have hours invest in research, development and implementation of a business web site due to they must run their business so they put together a rush project.
• Many business owners do not know how to effectively market the site after the design.


In most cases the results are the business owner builds a site that brings no results. The site is a creation that only the owner appreciates. Due to the lack of expertise and time they miss many critical elements in their site. So though the price was not much more than registration of a domain name, purchasing of software, hosting fees and time, I cost the owner thousands in loss time and sales.

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